
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla principes complectitur ei vim, te audire copiosae sed. Duo eu iuvaret adversarium, nec in voluptua cotidieque philosophia. Quidam perfecto quaestio ne mea, cum ullum maiestatis cu. Te vel magna oratio sapientem, ei nulla feugiat mea, sed vide tollit cu. In vim solum principes.

Eum mutat deleniti ne, enim hendrerit interpretaris sea ex, perpetua praesent maiestatis vel ne. Diam populo te usu, eam cu propriae deleniti eloquentiam, nam albucius voluptua tacimates ad. Eam magna partem et, labore saperet eos an. Id per civibus phaedrum mediocritatem, ei quo audire facilisis, porro accusata ut ius.Watani’s polymer concrete pipe also known as “Polycon”, manufactured to the stringent requirements of ASTM and DIN standards. Polycon is a composite materials of silicate aggregate, quatz sand, quartz filler, additives, binded together with a polyester resin system – resulting in a dense, corrosion-resistant pipe.

A total of 113,650 meters of Polycon Jacking pipes, 911,761 meters Polycon “open-cut” pipes, and 31,320 units of Polycon Manholes  are currently in service for Kuwait’s Sewer Systems.

Watani as an experienced supplier of Polycon pipes and Manhole systems in Kuwait and neighboring GCC area, has expanded its coverage of supply to the Australian microtunneling pipe market in 2005.

Watani’s manufacturing facility in Kuwait produces Polycon pipes from DN150 (6 in.) to DN3000 (120 in.) and Polycon Manholes from DN1000 (3.3 ft.) to DN3600 (12 ft.).

Because of the inherent high compressive strength, corrosion-resistance, smooth surface both from the inside and outside, high dimensional accuracy of Polycon pipes, it became the natural choice for microtunneling application.

Contact one of Watani’s Sales Engineer and discuss your requirement for a comprehensive evaluation of your project.

Watani’s polymer concrete pipe also known as “Polycon”, manufactured to the stringent requirements of ASTM and DIN standards. Polycon is a composite materials of silicate aggregate, quatz sand, quartz filler, additives, binded together with a polyester resin system – resulting in a dense, corrosion-resistant pipe.

A total of 113,650 meters of Polycon Jacking pipes, 911,761 meters Polycon “open-cut” pipes, and 31,320 units of Polycon Manholes  are currently in service for Kuwait’s Sewer Systems.

Watani as an experienced supplier of Polycon pipes and Manhole systems in Kuwait and neighboring GCC area, has expanded its coverage of supply to the Australian microtunneling pipe market in 2005.

Watani’s manufacturing facility in Kuwait produces Polycon pipes from DN150 (6 in.) to DN3000 (120 in.) and Polycon Manholes from DN1000 (3.3 ft.) to DN3600 (12 ft.).

Because of the inherent high compressive strength, corrosion-resistance, smooth surface both from the inside and outside, high dimensional accuracy of Polycon pipes, it became the natural choice for microtunneling application.

Contact one of Watani’s Sales Engineer and discuss your requirement for a comprehensive evaluation of your project.


Polycon Manholes – delivery to project site in Kuwait


Polycon Jacking Pipes at Australian worksite

polycon_3Polycon pipe being readied for jacking installation.