ACHIEVMENT                                                                             ACHIEVMENTS


List Of Overseas Projects Using Jacking With GRP/SS Sleeves, Open Tracnh Pipes, Manhole& Interjack stations
S,No Project Decription Norminal Diameter Length in Meters or Nos Location
1 Sewer Arion Stagri 250 148 Forestdale Perth, West Australia
2 Secret Habor Man Sewer 400 560 South Perth, West Australia
3 Sewer Broadwater Estate 400 136 Busselton, West Australia
4 Drainage Port Coo Gee Develop 400 110 Coo Gee, West Australia
5 Sewer Forest Field 600 280 Marshalling Yards, West Australia
6 Sewer Murdoch Dve 400 165 Mandurah, West Australia
7 Sewer Rouse Hill 600 664 New South Wals. Australia
8 Sewer Rouse Hill 400 120 New South Wales, Australia
9 Thhompson’s Lake Pressurm Main 400 120 New South Wals, Australia
10 Sewer Lyon Road 400 55 Atwell, West Australia
11 Project No 882 600 434 Jandokot Job Site, Australia
12 Project No 892 500 990 Jandokot Job Site, Australia
13 Merrimac east Subprogram 900 and 1200 Tunneling Works 900 3464 Merrimac East, Autralia
14 Merimac East Subprogram 990 and 1200 Tunneling Works 1200 4395 Merrimac East, Autralia
15 Merimac East Subprogram 990 and 1200 Tunneling Works 900Interjack 38Nos Merrimac East, Autralia
16 Merimac East Subprogram 990 and 1200 Tunneling Works 1200Interjack 40Nos Merrimac East, Autralia
17 Merimac East Subprogram 990 and 1200 Tunneling Works 600 686 Merrimac East, Autralia
18 Merimac East Subprogram 990 and 1200 Tunneling Works 300 900 Merrimac East, Autralia
19 Bright Water Coneyance Sytem East Contract :C53060C 1800 768 Bothell, Washington, Usa
20 Bright Water Coneyance Sytem East Contract :C53060C 1800 Interjack 4Nos Bothell, Washington, Usa
21 Bright Water Coneyance Sytem East Contract :C53060C 3600MM 3Nos Bothell, Washington, Usa
22 City&Country of Honolulu Kapiolani Water+Sewer Imrovement 600 250 Honolulu, Hawali
23 Cottesloe Sewer Project No, Cs00079 500 672 Perth, Australia
25 Project No 900. Balimyup 400 800 Perth, Australia
26 Project No 900. Balimyup 400 500 Perth, Australia
27 Cs-0122 Browinell Cr WWW Pump Station 500 Open Trench 18 Perth, Australia
28 Cs-0122 Browinell Cr WWW Pump Station 700 120 Perth, Australia
29 Cs-0122 Browinell Cr WWW Pump Station 800 open Trench 105 Perth, Australia
30 Project Re023-0763-601814 400 240 Perth, Australia
31 Project Re-Fcoo1-601814 400 90 Perth, Australia
32 Project Re-Fc0013 600 558 Brome, Australia
33 Lusil Sewage treatment Work-09/0036 DN2400mm Manhole 36 Doha, Quter
34 Lusil Sewage treatment Work-09/0036 DN2000mm Manhole 4 Doha, Quter
35 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Sytem C- 166 200with ss 316t1 Sleeves 4555 Sultanate of Oman
36 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Sytem C- 167 1600 with ss 316t1 Sleeves 2915 Sulthan Of Oman
37 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Sytem C-168 1400 with SS316T1 2680 Sultante Of Oman
38 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Syetm C- 168 1400Inter Jack Station 18 Sultanate of Oman
39 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Sytem C-168 1600 Interjack Station 16 Sultanate of Oman
40 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance Sytem C-169 2000 InterjackStation 30 Sulthante Of Oman
41 Yanbu Microtunnelling-II Project DN600mm 1320 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
42 Yanbu Microtunnelling-II Project DB700mm 1500 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
43 Keolu Drive Recon Sewer DN600mm 34 Honolulu, Hawali


List Of Partial Major Inland Projects Using Polycon Jackin Pipes
S. No Project Description Various Nominal Diameters in mm Length in Meters
1 Sewerage Rehabilition (SE-32-1) 200-250-300-350-400-500-600-800- 7580
2 Kuwait Sewarage Renovation (SE-32-1) 500-600-800-1000-1200-1400-1500 1.723
3 Kuwait Sewarage Renovation Phase I, Salwa (SE-46) 200-250-300-350-400-450-500-600- 15.083
4 Kuwait Sewatage Renovation Phase VII.Faheel(SE/53) 1200-1400-1600 17.974
5 Mishrif Pumping Station (SE-19) 800-1200-1600-2000 22.976
6 Wate Treatment Plant 1800 810
7 Construction of pumping Station A7 and related Tunnels 1800-200-2250 17.934
  Kuwait Phase III. Part B(SE-34)    
8 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase IV,Part(SE-34) 300-400-500-500-600-800 8.245
9 Renovation of Sanitary Drainage Network. Pumpstation 400-600-800-1000 14.388
  A-7, PhaseIII, PartB1(SE-34)    
10 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Bneid Alghar(SE-63) 500-600-700-800-900-1000-1600 22.326
11 Al-Khiran Pear City Project Phase A1(Project No:70999 400-500-600-800-1000 4430
12 Maintance Project, Hawwally(SE-24) 200-250 1000
13 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Project (SE-44) 250-300-400-500-600-700 36.985
14 Kuwait Sewarage Renovation (SE-69) 1000 2.85
15 Maintance of Egaila Pump Station and Related Sanitary Lines (SE-69) 2250 1.995
List Of Partial Major Inland Project Using Polycon Manholes
S.No Project Description Quantity in Nos
1 Kuwat Sanitary Sewer Renovtion ( Rumaithiya & salmya) (SE-32/2&3) 7,580
2 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase 1, Salwa (SE-46) 3,814
3 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase V11, Faheel (SE-52) 4,950
4 Mishrif Pumping Station (SE-19) 148
5 Al-khirani Pearl City Project Phase A1(Project No:70999) 922
6 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, South Surra(5165) 81
7 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation(SE-32/1) 21
8 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase 1V, Part-b(SE-48) 3,489
9 Renovation of Sanitary Drainage Network, Pump Station A-7, Phase 111, part -B1(SE-34 448
10 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, Bneid Alghar(SE-63) 903
11 Shuhuda project SE-45 1,031
12 Rabiya project (SE-45) 870
13 Sabahiya Project(SE-47) 2,869
14 Doha project (RA-907) 15
15 Shuwaik Project (RA-909) 92
16 Jahra Project(RA-908) 61
17 Arifjan American Camp Project, project No:47923-10-23 79
18 Fintas Project, (RA-72) 318
19 Khiran Project, Project No:185 18
20 Abu Halifa Project (RA-4) 27
21 Sabah Al Nasr Project(RA-73) 1,160
22 Jahar Project(RA-71) 1,246
23 South Surra Project(RA-69) 1,158
24 Khaithan Project (RA-69) 1,629
25 Jahara Project (RA-70) 1,315
26 Mainatanence Project (Ahmadi)(SE-27) 294
27 Mainatanence Project (Hawally)(SE-27) 427
28 Arifjan American Camp Project, 18
29 Amghara Project (project No:PAI-7) 612
30 Khiran Project, Project No:185 51
31 Egaila Project (RA-96) 148
32 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Khaithan Project (SE-44) 2,572
33 South Surra Project, (RA-152) 969
34 Jabhar Al-Ahmad project 756
35 Al-Ardiya College of Bussiness Studies Female Compus Project 118
  ( Contract No:PA/AF/78-2005-2006)
36 Messilah Project (RA-129) 1,332
37 Saad Al Abdullah City Project 171
38 Ghassn Al-Khalid Project 19
39 Complition of First Ring Road-Jahar Gate Roundabout (RA-106) 55
40 Saad Al Abdullaha  Project (Project No:1600919 557
41 Jaber Al Ahmad Project(Project No: 1600848) 665
42 Sabah Al-Saleem Area (RA-130) 808
43 Kuwait Sewarage Improvements Phase-1X-Part-A-Muyshref (SE-103) 1,875
44 Saad Al Abdullaha  Project (Project No:MARS/A/1111/2008-2009 270
List Of Partial Major Inland Project Using Polycon Open Trench Pipes
S.No Project Description Quantity in Meters
1 Kuwat Sanitary Sewer Renovtion ( Rumaithiya & salmya) (SE-32/2&3) 84,098
2 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase V11, Faheel (SE-52) 90,040
3 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase 1, Salwa (SE-46) 201,719
4 Al-khirani Pearl City Project Phase A1(Project No:70999) 47,792
5 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation(SE-32/1) 36
6 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase 1V, Part-b(SE-48) 29,656
7 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, Bneid Alghar(SE-63) 21,530
8 shuhuda Project (RA-58) 35,472
9 Rabiya project (SE-45) 34,072
10 Sabahiya Project(SE-47) 86,605
11 Doha project (RA-907) 7,474
12 Shuwaik Project (SE-47) 640
13 Jahra Project(RA-908) 3,983
14 Fintas Project, (RA-72) 10,868
15 Khiran Project, Project No:185 1,147
16 Sabah Al Nasr Project(RA-73) 34,159
17 Jahar Project(RA-71) 57,864
18 South Surra Project(RA-69) 30,984
19 Khaithan Project (RA-69) 53,362
20 Jahara Project (RA-70) 43,890
21 Mainatanence Project (Ahmadi)(SE-27) 10,767
22 Mainatanence Project (Hawally)(SE-27) 15,178
23 Mainatanence Project (Mubarak Al Kabeer)(RA-28) 3,420
24 Khiran Project, Project No:A1/AWF/795 2,516
25 Arifjan American Camp Project, 4,272
List of Partial Major Inland Projects Using Polycrete Manholes
S.No Project Description Quantity in Nos.  
1 Kuwait Sanitary Sewer Renovation (Rumaithiya & Salmya) (SE-32/2&3) 7,580  
2 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase I,Salwa(SE-46) 3,814
3 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase VII, Faheel (SE-52) 4,950  
4 Mishrif Pumping Station (SE-19) 148
5 Al-Khiran Pearl City Project Phase A1(Project No:70999) 922  
6 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, South Surra(5165) 81
7 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation(SE-32/1) 21  
8 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase IV, Part-b(SE-48) 3,489
9 Renovation of Sanitary Drainage Network, Pump Station A-7, Phase III,Part -B1(SE-34) 448  
10 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, Bneid Alghar(SE-63) 903
11 Shuhuda Project SE-45 1,031  
12 Rabiya Project (SE-45) 870
13 Sabahiya Project (SE-47) 2,869  
14 Doha Project(RA-907) 15
15 Shuwaik Project (RA-909) 92  
16 Jahra Project(RA-908) 61
17 Arifjan American Camp Project, Project No.:47923-10-23 79  
18 Fintas Project, (RA-72) 318
19 Khiran Project, Project No.:185 18  
20 Abu Halifa Project (RA-4) 27
21 Sabah Al Nasr Project(RA-73) 1,160  
22 Jahar Project(RA-71) 1,246
23 South Surra Project(RA-69) 1,158  
24 Khaithan Project (RA-69) 1,629
25 Jahara Project (RA-70) 1,315  
26 Mainatanence Project (Ahmadi)(SE-27) 294
27 Maintanence Project (Hawally) (SE-27) 427  
28 Arifjan American Camp Project, 18
29 Amghara Project (Project No.: PAI-7) 612  
30 Khiran Project (Project No.:185) 51
31 Egaila Project (RA-96) 148  
32 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Khaithan project (SE-44) 2,572
33 South Surra Project, (RA-152) 969  
34 Jabhar Al-Ahmad Project 756
35 Al-Ardiya College of Bussiness Studies Female Campus Project(Contract No.:PA/AF/78-2005-2006 118  
37 Saad Al Abdullah City Project 171
38 Ghassn Al-Khalid Project 19  
39 Completion of First Ring Road-Jahar Gate Roundabout (RA-106) 55
40 Saad Al-Abdullaha Project(Project No.: 1600919) 557  
41 Jaber Al-Ahmad Project(Project No.:1600848) 665
42 Sabah Al-Salem  Area (RA-130) 808
43 Kuwait Sewarage Improvements Phase-IX-Part-A-Muyshref (SE-103) 1,875  
44 Saad Al-Abdullaha Project(Project No.: MARS/A/1111/2008-2009 270
45 Kuwait Sewarage Improvements Phase-IX-Part’B’ Sabah Al-Salem Contract SE-104 4672  
46 Abu Fatera Phase II Project No:1600974 RA-147 1057
47 Kuwait Sanitary Sewer Renovation Phase X-Part-2 Jabriya SE-115 3415  
48 Sabah Al Ahmad City Contract O.1128-2009/2010 Project Management 1216
49 Kuwait Sewerage Improvement Project Phase X Part “I” Bayan, Contract SE-116 2494  
50 Jaber Al Ahmed City Infrastructure Works “Contract No. 1137 – 2009/2010) 556
51 PAHW/C/1139/2009-2010 (Soil Improvement, Roads & Infrastructure for 1426 Plots and 52 Nos. of Transformer Substations) 1,243  
52 Construction and Maintenance of roads, drainage and sewage lines and other services at Mahboula (Phase 1) RA-162 1,470
53 Sabah Al-Ahmed City Housing Project PAHC-1151-2009-2010 754  
54 Sabah Al-Ahmed City Project-1140-2009/2010 1443
55 Sewerage Improvement Project, Phase XII, Hadeyah & Riqqa Contract No: SE-123 2576  
56 Roads & Strom Water Drainage, Sanitary Sewers for Al-Funaitees Area Stage-I Tender No.:RA-149 800
57 Jaber Al Ahmed City Infrastructure Works-Blocks N1 &N3 (Contract No. 1152 – 2009/2010) 2,010  
58 Sabah Al-Ahmed Housing Project Neighbourhood(A) Contract No.:1150 1002
59 Construct complete and maintan sanitary main line from Omam Roundabout to the intersection with military compound in Kazima at Jahra Road (Contract No.: SE-136 313  
60 Sabah Al Ahmad City Project Infrastructure works, Phase-A3 30
61 Kuwait Sewarage Improvement Project Phase-5  SE-95 5,662  
62 Jahra Road RA-166 199
63 Construction Execution and maintanence of sewer lines in different areas in Kuwait SE-118 145  
64 Kuwait Sewarage Improvement Project Phase-7, Part-B Al-Rai Riggae Prison Area and Sulabhiya Industrial Area  SE-99 1,156
65 Construction, Completion, Maintance of Jahra Road Project. RA-166 301  
66 Amiry Guard Camp at Mushef 34
67 Riqqa, SE-123 29  
68 Road Administration Engineering Consultancy Service (Local Projects) Package 05, North Sabhan, Project: RA-165 225
69 Sabah Al- Ahmad Project: RA-1192-2011/2012 621  
70 Al-Funaitees Area Stage 1, RA-149 & RA-232 34
71 Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City Project, Infrastructure Works, Phase A4 1,464  
72 Sabah Al Salem University City, Kuwait University C0251: Construction of Bid Pack 5A & B – Roads, Site Utilities, Substations, Surface Parkings, Landscaping & Oasis Works. 200
73 Kuwait Sanitary Sewer Renovation (Rumaithiya & Salmiya Project(SE-32/2 &3) 84,098  
74 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase VII,Faheheel(SE-52) 90,040
75 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase I, Salwa(SE-46) 201,719  
76 Al-Khiran Pearl City Project Phase A1(Project No:70999) 47,792
77 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation(SE-32/1) 36  
78 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation Phase IV, Part-b(SE-48) 29,656
79 Kuwait Sewerage Renovation, Bneid Alghar(SE-63) 21,530  
80 Shuhuda Project (RA-58) 35,472
81 Rabiya Project (RA-45) 34,072  
82 Sabahiya Project (SE-47)
84 Shuwaik Project (SE-47) 640
85 Jahra Project(RA-908) 3,983  
86 Fintas Project, (RA-72) 10,868
87 Khiran Project, Project No.:185 1,147  
88 Sabah Al Nasr Project(RA-73) 34,159
89 Jahar Project(RA-68) 57,864  
90 South Surra Project(RA-68) 30,984
91 Khaithan Project (RA-69) 53,362  
92 Jahara Project (RA-70) 43,890
93 Mainatanence Project (Ahmadi)(SE-27) 10,767  
94 Maintanence Project (Hawally) (SE-24) 15,178
95 Maintanence Project (Mubarak Al Kabeer) (RA-28) 3,420  
96 Khiran Project, Project No.:A1/AWF/795 2,516
97 Arifjan American Camp Project 4,272  
98 Abu Fatera Phase II Project No:1600974 RA-147 48,005
99 Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City Project, Infrastructure Works, Phase A4 11,354  
100 Sabah Al Salem University City, Kuwait University C0251: Construction of Bid Pack 5A & B – Roads, Site Utilities, Substations, Surface Parkings, Landscaping & Oasis Works. 8,114
S.No Project Description Normal Diameter Length in Meters  Location
or loaction
1 Sewer Arion Stage1 250 148 Forestdale Perth, West Australia
2 Secret Harbor Main Sewer 400 560 South Perth, West Australia
3 Sewer Broadwater Estate 400 136 Busselton, West Australia
4 Drainage Port Coo Gee Development Cockburn Road 400 110 Coo Gee, West Australia
5 Sewer Forest Field 600 280 Masshalling Yards, West Australia
6 Sewer Murdoch DVE 400 165 Mandurah, West bAustralia
7 Sewer Rouse Hill 600 664 New South Wales Australia
8 Sewer Rouse Hill 400 120 New South Wales Australia
9 Thompson’s Lake Pressure Main 400 120 Kwinana Freeway Crossing, West Australia
10 Sewer Lyon Road 400 55 Atwell, West Australia
11 Project No 882 600 434 Jandokot Job Site,  Australia
12 Project No 892 500 990 Jandokot Job Site,  Australia
13 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 900 3464 Merrimac East,  Australia
14 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 1200 4395 Merrimac East,  Australia
15 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 900 InterJack 38 Nos Merrimac East,  Australia
16 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 1200 InterJack 40 Nos Merrimac East,  Australia
17 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 600 686 Merrimac East,  Australia
18 Merrimac East Subprogram 0900 and 01200 Tunneling Works 300 900 Merrimac East,  Australia
19 Bright Water Conveyance System East Contract : C53060C 1800 768 Bothell, Washington, USA
20 Bright Water Conveyance System East Contract : C53060C 1800 InterJack 4 Nos Bothell, Washington, USA
21 Bright Water Conveyance System East Contract : C53060C DN 3200mm Manhole 1 Nos Bothell, Washington, USA
22 Bright Water Conveyance System East Contract : C53060C DN 3200mm Manhole 1 Nos Bothell, Washington, USA
23 City & County of Honolulu- Kapiolani Water+Sewer Improvement 600 250 Honolulu, Hawaii
24 Cottesloe Sewer Project No:CS00070 500 114 Perth, Australia
25 Project NO 900; Ballimyup 500 672 Perth, Australia
26 Project NO 900; Ballimyup 400 800 Perth, Australia
27 Project NO RE023-0160-601819 400 500 Perth, Australia
28 CS-01222 Brownell Cr www Pump Station 500Open trench 18 Perth, Australia
29 CS-01222 Brownell Cr www Pump Station 700 120 Perth, Australia
30 CS-01222 Brownell Cr www Pump Station 800 Open trench 105 Perth, Australia
31 Project Pre023-0763-601814 400 240 Perth, Australia
32 Project RE-FC0001-601814 400 90 Perth, Australia
33 Project RE-FC0013 600 558 Broome, Australia
34 Lussail Sewage treatment Work-09/0036 DN 2400mm Manhole 36 Doha, Qatar
35 Lussail Sewage treatment Work-09/0036 DN 2000mm Manhole 4 Doha, Qatar
36 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 2000 with ss 316Ti Sleeve 4436 Sultanate of Oman
37 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-167 1600 with ss 316Ti Sleeve 2835 Sultanate of Oman
38 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-168 1400 with ss 316Ti Sleeve 2652 Sultanate of Oman
39 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 1400 Interjack Station 12 Sultanate of Oman
40 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 1600 Interjack Station 13 Sultanate of Oman
41 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 200 Interjack Station 33 Sultanate of Oman
42 Yanbu Microtunnelling -III (M.T.Y 3) 600 1320 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
43 Yanbu Microtunnelling -3 Project 700 1500 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
44 Keolu Drive Recon Sewer 600 34 Honolulu, Hawaii
45 PO ref : 00005357 600 260 Maddington, Australia
46 UNWI 9 NEA-1 & Citrus Heights, CA, USA 900 244 California, USA
47 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 1400 165 Sultanate of Oman
48 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 1500mm Manholes 23 Sultanate of Oman
49 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 1800mm Manholes 11 Sultanate of Oman
50 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 2400mm Manholes 17 Sultanate of Oman
51 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 2800mm Manholes 32 Sultanate of Oman
52 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DnN 2800mm Manholes 5 Sultanate of Oman
with Vortex backdrops
53 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 3200mm Manhole 21 Sultanate of Oman
54 Aseeb Sewage Conveyance System C-166 DN 3600mm Manholes 4 Sultanate of Oman
55 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 1500mm Manholes 39 Sultanate of Oman
56 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 1800mm Manholes 17 Sultanate of Oman
57 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 2000mm Manhole 36 Sultanate of Oman
58 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 2400mm Manholes 106 Sultanate of Oman
59 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 2800mm Manholes 10 Sultanate of Oman
60 Bausher Network Main Trunk Sewer and Qurum Pump Station No.1 DN 3200mm Manhole 9 Sultanate of Oman
61 Muscat Wastewater Scheme Project Contract  1000 470 Sultanate of Oman
No.3.Bausher network-Al Khuwair Network
62 Muscat Wastewater Scheme Project Contract 1000 with Bentonite Port 50 Sultanate of Oman
No.3.Bausher network-Al Khuwair Network
63 Muscat Wastewater Scheme Project Contract 1000 705 Sultanate of Oman
  No.3.Bausher network-Al Khuwair Network      
64 Muscat Wastewater Scheme Project Contract 1000 with Bentonite Port 150 Sultanate of Oman
No.3.Bausher network-Al Khuwair Network
67 Al-Khuwair Network Project, Wadi Hala DN 2400, 2000, 1800, 1500mm Manholes 41 Sultanate of Oman
68 Rasht Sewerage Project, City of Rasht, Iran 600 150 Iran
69 Gordon Lord-Boyetl, Brendle (IST) 300 59 QLD, Australia
70 Diona-Oran Park, Sydney, Australia 1000 160 Australia
71 Muhharaq Sewage Treatment Plant & Sewer Conveyance System 500 & 600 3988 Kingdom of Bahrain
72 Muhharaq Sewage Treatment Plant & Sewer Conveyance System Dia 1500mm Manhole 59 Kingdom of Bahrain